I have known John literally my entire life. When he told me he had been diagnosed with Asperger’s and related conditions at age 45, a light went off and my comment to him was, "OK. Well that makes a lot of things make more sense." I did question why it took so long to diagnose? What else could he have done? What would he have done differently from elementary to mid-life? He has shown a passion for exploring himself and how to help others since he started to get a handle on his diagnosis. His passion doesn't sit firmly on Asperger, but anything related. One personal example of that was when he dove in talking about his research with my dyslectic daughter and how some of it could help her. It is this wiliness and passion to help others that makes me want to help out where I can though his new journey. My challenge to him is to use his experience and passion to help turn that light on for people earlier in life to see what can be accomplished.
M.P. Knight - lifelong friend

As a licensed psychologist who specializes in testing and treating adults with Asperger's/Autism/ASD, I never stop being impressed with my patient's talents and gifts, and how they are different, but "different good". I remain frustrated with the misperceptions and limited understanding that persists among the general public, and even among healthcare professionals, who still see autism as "different bad". We need more organizations like On The Spectrum devoted to correcting these misunderstandings.
Stuart N. Robinson, PhD.